Armed Homeowner Sends Masked Invaders Running

( – At 2 a.m. on October 19, security camera footage caught three masked and hooded criminals attempting to kick into a house in Auburn, Seattle. They wielded guns and yelled that they were the “Seattle police” before trying to break into the property. The armed intruders soon met the homeowner’s gunfire after he was alerted to their presence. A few shots knocked the glass from the door onto the individuals. One person fell on the porch during their scramble to get away.

When police officers arrived at the scene, the homeowner reported that the three were seeking to burglarize his home. The homeowner had taken shots at the burglars and recorded them in the act of breaking in. Kolby Crossley, a representative for the Auburn Police Department, said it was difficult for the burglars to get in due to the door having a deadbolt lock. The additional time permitted the resident to grab his gun and react to the attempted break-in while it was still underway.

One neighbor, who wishes to remain anonymous, said a stray bullet went through a window on their house, causing their security alarms to go off. They continued; there was a “barrage of bullets”. They felt like they were in a “war zone.” They said they found some shells from the bullets and a glove on the ground. The burglar damaged the neighbor’s fence during the attempted break-in. Although the initial failed burglary did not personally affect them, they still felt impacted as they lived nearby.

No injuries were known. The criminals are still on the run. The police are asking for help identifying the three individuals. There is a tip line for people who identify any of the three offenders.

Early last week, there was another attempted armed break-in. On Monday, in Kent, Seattle, an Asian couple entered their home and were chased by a man. The woman entered her home last and was able to slam the door on the intruder before he could enter the house. The family’s Ring camera recorded the masked man attempting to enter the home. After pushing on the door, he realized he could not get in. The criminal then saw the security camera and pistol-whipped it until breaking it. A second burglar was seen in the background of the clip. The man did not harm the family during the attempted burglary. These armed criminals are also still on the run.

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