Biden Claims Debate Led to More Voter Support Than Trump

( – President Joe Biden continues to be unfazed by his poor showing during his first debate face-off with former president Donald Trump, despite polls showing that the Democrats have much to be worried about.

While Biden admitted that he “didn’t have a good night” that time, he said that many voters still need to be convinced that he is a better choice for the country than Trump, as both vie for a second term in the White House.

“I’m going to be fighting harder,” Biden said, but saying that he and his campaign are confident that more voters will be convinced to vote blue come November.

Post-debate polls, however, tell a different story. Biden has generally been trailing behind Trump – albeit by very small margins – in most polls before the debate. A large segment of voters – Democrats included – have expressed concerns with Biden’s mental capability to go another four years in Washington, given his advanced age, coupled with frequent slip ups and flubs that have underscored just how old he is. The debate, however, brought those concerns to the fore even more. A New York Times/Siena College poll conducted just after the debate shows Biden slipping behind by six points against Trump among likely voters. Previously, Trump had only led by three points. Trump also led Biden among registered voters, with 49% saying that they would likely voter for him, as opposed to 41% who said they would choose Biden.

The poll also indicated that Biden’s age was a major concern, with an overall 74% of voters saying that the president was too old for a second term. A slightly lower majority of Democrat voters – 50% — said that they felt the same way, with 79% of Independents sharing the sentiment.

Voters’ poor impression of Biden is also a record-low in recent history as far as presidential candidates go. The last time an incumbent running for reelection has trailed behind his challenger was 44 years ago when former president Jimmy Carter was running for a second term.

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