(DailyVantage.com) – A Democratic Colorado judge denied a motion from Donald Trump’s legal team to dismiss a lawsuit that would prevent Trump from appearing on the 2024 presidential ballot in Colorado, starting a political effort that might gain traction nationwide if other judges follow suit. Judge Sarah Wallace, who serves as a district court judge in Colorado, denied the motion based on accusations that Trump attempted to overturn the 2024 presidential election results.
Despite Wallace’s ruling, Trump wasn’t convicted of insurrection, and the United States Senate acquitted the former president for the alleged attempted “insurrection”. Democratic Governor Jared Polis appointed Judge Wallace earlier this year and is seemingly supportive of an effort to hinder Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. The lawsuit isn’t decided yet, and Trump’s team has another motion they can file to dismiss the case based on its merits. If the lawsuit proceeds to trial, Wallace will preside over the case starting on October 30th.
According to Trump’s team, Wallace’s refusal to grant the motion for dismissal is erroneous and a violation of Trump’s First Amendment right to freedom of speech. Wallace denied the argument posed by Trump’s legal team, claiming that speech laws in Colorado do not apply to the lawsuit. The Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, also known as CREW, brought the lawsuit against Trump. CREW is a nonprofit organization but has ties to various Democrats, and conservatives often cite CREW as being partisan against the Republican Party. If CREW succeeds in its lawsuit against Donald Trump, other nonprofit organizations might follow suit and prevent Trump from being featured on the ballot in the 2024 presidential election.
CREW based its lawsuit on the 14th Amendment passed after the Civil War’s conclusion. The 14th Amendment prevents individuals from appearing on a political ballot if they’ve engaged in insurrection and features a disqualification clause that could prevent Donald Trump’s presidential efforts. If CREW succeeds in its efforts against Donald Trump, Trump’s legal team will likely appeal the case to the United States Supreme Court. If heard by the Supreme Court, Trump’s case will be the first 14th Amendment brought before the Supreme Court.
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