(DailyVantage.com) – A federal judge in Texas issued a temporary restraining order against President Joe Biden to prevent the Biden Administration from dismantling barriers along the southern United States border. District Judge Alia Moses issued the temporary restraining order to prevent federal authorities from interfering with the security at the southern border. She claims the preventative order is related to the “public interest” and will help slow the influx of illegal immigrants into the United States.
The order is only temporary, however, and will expire on November 13th. Moses’ order provides an exception to federal authorities, allowing them to dismantle border barriers to provide medical aid or rescue any migrants needing assistance. The order will be the subject of an injunction hearing, a type of hearing that would determine whether the order is extended or not.
Moses’ order comes months after the Department of Justice demanded Texas Governor Greg Abbott remove a makeshift floating barrier established in the Rio Grande River. Abbott resisted the order and claimed that the White House disregarded Texas’ autonomy in securing its borders. The Department of Justice claimed the barrier violated numerous laws and created a dangerous situation for immigrants crossing into Texas via waterways. Still, Abbott defended the floating barrier and argued that the barrier would encourage immigrants to use legal means to cross into Texas.
Abbott resisted the order and claimed that his administration would employ every possible method to protect United States citizens and ensure the safety of migrants seeking entry. The makeshift barrier received national attention after Abbott had it installed and remains a controversial topic amongst lawmakers discussing the integrity of the Texas-Mexico border.
The ongoing influx of immigration has become a record-breaking wave of illegal crossings into the United States, with Border Patrol agents apprehending more than 2 million immigrants during the past two years. The massive surge in immigration is a key concern among many American voters, who fear the influx of migrants will cause an increase in crime and the loss of jobs. The Biden Administration isn’t addressing the issue either, as President Joe Biden repeatedly refuses to institute policies aimed at border security. Republican candidates in next year’s election are focused on the issue of illegal immigration and the declining United States economy, areas that many Americans feel President Biden underperformed in.
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