(DailyVantage.com) – Following President Joe Biden’s decision to withdraw from the upcoming presidential election, Vice President Kamala Harris’s failed 2020 presidential bid has received new scrutiny from potential voters. Harris famously ran for the Democratic Party’s nomination in 2020 but could not secure support after several lackluster debate performances and controversial comments aimed at President Joe Biden. Harris supported changing the United States’ recommended dietary guidelines in her failed presidential bid, including reducing red meat consumption.
Harris first talked about reducing red meat consumption during a town hall appearance after a potential voter asked if she would support eating less red meat to help reduce the effect of climate change. Harris told the voter that she’d use the presidency to inform Americans about the detrimental impact of red meat consumption on the environment and that she’d ban “certain behaviors,” such as eating red meat. Harris cited the obesity issues throughout the United States during the town hall event, claiming that she’d use the White House to help improve Americans’ health.
While Harris supported reducing red meat consumption, she clarified that she would establish incentives to encourage healthier eating habits. Harris later admitted that she enjoys eating red meat but felt the United States government should work towards healthier eating among its citizens. Harris also said that the United States government should institute new education requirements for Americans to teach citizens about health and how eating different foods could reduce obesity.
Although Harris attempted to avoid supporting an outright reduction in red meat consumption, the town hall’s host, CNN personality Erin Burnett, forced Harris to elaborate further on her comments. Burnett asked Harris if she would support changing the United States dietary guidelines, including the famous food pyramid. Burnett asked Harris if she would change the food pyramid to reduce the recommended amount of red meat, to which Harris responded that she would.
Harris’s support of reducing red meat consumption echoes a common talking point among liberal lawmakers, who feel Americans should use sustainable meat options to avoid climate change. Among the potential alternatives listed by lawmakers supporting dietary changes are lab-grown meat, plant-based meats, and protein collected from insects like crickets. Republican legislators overwhelmingly oppose the suggested alternatives to red meat, meaning a potential reduction in red meat consumption remains incredibly unlikely.
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