7-Year-Old Struck by Mom’s Car After Principal Reports Bad Behavior

(DailyVantage.com) – An Alabama child’s mom ran him over with her car after she learned about his bad behavior from the principal of his school. According to authorities, 27-year-old Sarai Rachel James checked her 7-year-old son out of school after his principal informed her about him acting out during class. Shortly after picking her son up from his school, James forced her son out of the car and told him to walk home as punishment. James drove behind her son as he walked home, ultimately leading to her running over her child.

Authorities said they don’t believe James intentionally ran over her son, but rather, the event occurred accidentally after her son attempted to climb into her car. After he walked for several city blocks, James’ son asked to get back into the car, to which Sarai Rachel James agreed. James slowed down and seemingly planned to let her son back into the vehicle but sped up as the 7-year-old grabbed the door handle, pulling him under the car’s back wheels. The child sustained injuries to his head and back, but medical personnel confirmed he was not in critical condition due to the incident.

While speaking about the event, Michael Abercrombie, Boaz’ Chief of Police, confirmed authorities are pressing charges against Sarai Rachel James. Abercrombie said James faces a child abuse charge but did state that authorities believe the incident wasn’t intentional. Police released James from jail after she paid a $50,000 bond, and she’ll re-appear in court in the coming weeks. James isn’t permitted to see her son due to the incident.

Reports indicate that James wasn’t the only adult in the vehicle during the incident, as another individual witnessed the incident. Authorities confirmed a 53-year-old woman accompanied James to pick up her son and that the older woman was in the car while James ran over the child. Police arrested the unnamed woman and charged her with child endangerment due to her involvement in the incident. The unnamed accomplice paid a $500 bond, and authorities released her from jail shortly after that.

Despite James’ extreme reaction to her son’s reported terrible behavior, the exact circumstances causing the entire incident remain unclear. The principal of the boy’s school hasn’t provided more insight into the moments leading up to James picking up her son or what led him to call James to pick up her child. James’ 7-year-old child should make a full recovery and is currently staying at a different home due to the incident.

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